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Liebermann reagent is a common drug testing kit for crystals, powders or pills. Liebermann test is best for 2C-B, cocaine, DMT, ketamine, MDMA, meth/amphetamine, mephedrone, opioids and more. This test is used to detect the presence of a substance, not the purity or strength of it.
The kit:
Indicates presence not quantity of substance
Get results in less than 3 minutes
Can be used for between 50-100 tests per bottle
Has a shelf life extended over 2 years
Contains a booklet with instructions and color chart
Comes with a results app for 800+ substances (optional)
Store reagents standing up and away from heat in a cool, dark place. The average shelf life of 2 years can be significantly extended by storing in a fridge (warm up to room temperature before use).
For complete and precise results we recommend visiting a drug checking service. Available in most cities, at an affordable rate or even for free.
Liebermann reagent, absorbent vermiculite, a porcelain reaction plate, a spatula, gloves, instructions and access to the app.
One bottle contains:
10 ml crystals, for approx. 50-100 tests in total.
High quality HDPE and brown amber glass protect reagents from light, plastic and moisture to ensure prolonged shelf life.
Child-proof caps guarantee 0 spills.
1. Get all tools ready.
2. Open the PROtest results app and look for substance to check the expected result
3. Add small sample of substance to test onto the reaction plate
4. Use just enough reagent to cover a sample
5. Observe color change for up to 3 minutes
6. Compare result of the test with the expected result (step 2)
Find detailed instructions inside the Kit.
Learn to use the test kit correctly by watching this video. Follow all steps and instructions carefully to avoid drawing false conclusions. Additionally find the instructions in the box itself:
Drugs purchased on the black market are often far from pure. They are frequently mixed with other substances or, in some cases, may not contain the intended substance at all. This is where testing becomes essential.
With this test, you can detect the presence of the intended substance as well as identify potentially dangerous contaminants, such as fentanyl. It’s also possible that the dosage may be far higher than expected, which can pose significant risks. For instance, an average ecstasy pill typically contains 80–125 mg of MDMA, but some pills may contain double that amount, increasing the risk of overdose.
Please note that this kit cannot measure the purity of a substance. For a detailed analysis of both composition and purity, testing in a professional lab is highly recommended. At a minimum, however, always test your drugs with a self-test kit before consumption. Testing can save lives.
Reagent test kits offer several advantages:
Convenience: Perform tests easily from the comfort of your home.
Fast Results: Get accurate results in just minutes.
Cost-Effective: A single reagent test kit allows you to perform dozens of tests, making it an affordable option for regular use.
Reagent test kits have a few limitations to keep in mind:
Limited Scope: These tests can confirm the presence of certain substances but cannot determine the purity or exact dosage.
False Positives/Negatives: Results may sometimes be misleading, especially if the sample contains unexpected or complex mixtures.
No Full Analysis: Reagent kits cannot identify all substances in a sample, especially newer or less common synthetic drugs.
User Error: Misinterpreting color changes or not following instructions can lead to inaccurate results.
For a comprehensive analysis, laboratory testing is always recommended.
Just a tiny sample of substance is sufficient to get results. If you test an ecstasy pill for instance, make sure not to take only the outer coating shell of the pill, but rather the inside content of the pill. If you have a baggie to test, it's always better to shake it before so the sample is representing the whole bag.
Cover the tiny sample with reagent crystals. Just make sure it is covered but no need to put too much!
You can see an example in the little demo video above the FAQ section.
The shelf life is roughly 2 years after manufacturing date (see packaging). Store in the fridge for better preservation.